Merseyside Quiz Leagues


Disciplinary Procedure

MQL Disciplinary Panel (pending adoption)

To help resolve issues regarding the conduct of players, officials and those attending events organised by the MQL.  It should also deal with appeals that arise from the outcome of Disciplinary Panel meetings convened by constituent Leagues.

The MQL Disciplinary Panel should be appointed by the MQL Council and should consist of three members of the Council drawn from
•    the Elected Officers (Chair, Dept Chair, Gen Sec, Asst Gen Sec, Treasurer)
•    the ex-officio members (President, two Question Distributors)
•    the Area Secretaries (or elected officers of their League as their representative)
who are not directly involved or connected to the League or to the issue in question.

In the case of a referral from a constituent League, one of the three members of the MQL Disciplinary Panel should be an elected officer of that League who has not been involved directly in the issue nor been part of their Disciplinary Panel meetings.

The Disciplinary Panel should 
•    collect all possible evidence and statements regarding the incident
•    arrange meetings or interviews with persons concerned if necessary
•    consider the evidence and come to a decision as soon as is reasonably possible
•    present their findings and recommendations to the Chairman or the Council of the MQL 

The Disciplinary Panel should also be able to recommend to the Chairman or Council a temporary suspension of players or the postponement of matches or events to allow time for the above actions to be carried out.

The Chairman should call a Council meeting to rule on the matter.

Appeal on an MQL Ruling
In order to hear an appeal, then a second MQL Disciplinary Panel may be formed composed of members of the MQL Council who have not been involved in any previous Disciplinary Panel regarding the issue in question.

Sanctions that could be applied include
•    Verbal Warning, 
•    Letter of Censure/First Warning, 
•    Letter of Temporary Suspension, 
•    Letter of Permanent Suspension from the Leagues