Many apologies for the website having being down for such a long time. The hosting provider was upgrading their systems and it did not go as planned! Huge thanks to Chris Quinn, our Website Administrator, who has worked long and hard to sort out the problem and finally had to migrate the whole website to a new provider. Hopefully things will now get back to normal.
Thank you for your patience.
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It is with the greatest sadness that we have to report the death of Merseyside Quiz Leagues Chairman, Frank McFarlane. Frank passed away in the early hours of Saturday 12 February having been seriously ill since mid-December. He was the longest serving Chairman of the MQL and had been in post since 2006. His calm, wise leadership will be sorely missed. We send our condolences and sympathy to Frank’s wife, Julia and all his friends and family.
Frank's funeral will be at 1pm on Thursday 24 March at St Peter's Church, Church Rd, Woolton, Liverpool L25 5JF. The burial is at 2.30pm in the Woodlands Section of Allerton Cemetery, Liverpool L19 5NF. Frank's widow Julia and her family would like to invite all attending to a gathering afterwards at the Crown Inn, Leyfield Rd, Liverpool L12 7HX.
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At a meeting of the MQL Council it was agreed that face to face quizzing will resume as planned in the week commencing 31 January. In light of ongoing postal problems in some areas, teams will be advised to contact their League Secretary if question sets have not arrived a few days before the match.
The Merseyside Challenge Cup returns and will be played as a KO tournament starting on Wed 9 February, details here. The Mimir Competition will also resume with local area heats being held in w/c 4 April, details here.
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Mastermind is looking for contenders for its new series. Applicants must be 18 or over and a UK resident. Recording takes place in Belfast and the closing date is 9th May 2022 (although earlier applications are advised). Download their flyer here. Request a form from |
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To help stave off any quiz withdrawal, there is an online Friendly quiz available for Mon 17 Jan at 8pm! You should have heard about it from your League Secretaries. Please let Brian Thompson know by 5pm on Sunday if you'd like take part.
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