Merseyside Quiz Leagues

The World's Largest Independent Quiz Leagues

This Merseyside-wide Pairs competition was created to celebrate the MQL Diamond Jubilee of the Leagues in 2019.  It was later decided that it should become an annual event.


The format of the competition remains the same. All entrants will be placed into either a higher or lower pool and on the night a draw will be made to create pairs made from a player from each pool. The First Round is a 40-question written quiz that will find the top 6 pairs. In the Semi-finals these six pairs will be asked questions in turn in a '15 to 1' type format. A pair has three lives and loses a life each time they answer incorrectly or fail to answer. There are 10 seconds to answer and there are no bonuses.  The questioning continues until only three teams remain. Those three teams then contest the Final played in the same way until a winning pair is found.  A Plate Final is also held for the pairs finishing 7th, 8th and 9th in the First Round.