Merseyside Quiz Leagues

The World's Largest Independent Quiz Leagues

Many congratulations to Yorkshire (Lewis Jones, Evan Lynch, Danny Lardner and Gary Moreland) who beat Misfits to win the 5th MQL Jubilee Buzzer Tournament that was held in Hoylake on Saturday 10 February.  Twenty five teams from all over the UK took part this year and were asked nearly one thousand questions. Further congratulations to M and M and M and M who beat Strongest Lincs to win the Plate and to Wirral who won the Bowl.
Thanks to our hosts at The Parade Community Centre and to the teams of writers, readers and scorers who voluntarily gave so willingly of their time and skills.  Special thanks to Tournament Organiser, Jon Stitcher and Question Coordinator and Editor, Dan Lawson for their enormous hard work in bringing the event together.  We hope that all teams enjoyed their day.  Full results are available to download here.

The final is now available to watch.