From the early 1970s, Norman was the Ormskirk League. For almost 40 years he got their leagues started every season, produced the fixture lists, did all the work needed to get questions to every game every week, took in the score sheets and processed and published the results, sorted out the few problems or protests, and kept everything running smoothly. For most of that time he was the Treasurer as well as Secretary and handled all the money very efficiently.
Norman served MQL as President from 1981 to 1984 then Deputy Chairman from 2006 to 2009.
He was very popular. He was good fun to play against, and nobody remembers ever saying or hearing a bad word about him; few could claim that. Norman died at the end of the 2008-2009 season just after the last game. He’d been ill for some time but carried on playing right to the end. He will be sadly missed.
Posted by briathom59@gmail.com
18 February 2022 10:58:00