Congratulations to Wings (S&F) and Aardvarks (Wirral) who were the respective winners of this year's Feeny and Rendon Cups in the finals held at the Griffin Inn Warrington on Wednesday 26 April. Full results can be viewed by clicking the link.
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We are pleased to announce that at the recent AGM Jim Eccleson of Oxton Cons and Wirral was elected as the new President of the MQL. While the position is largely ceremonial, it recognises Jim's long service to the Leagues. He replaces Angela Doyle of Bishop Eton and Liverpool who stands down at the end of her three year term in the role and we thank her for her time as President.
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The Merseyside Quiz Leagues' Annual General Meeting will be held online at 7.30pm on Sunday 16 April. The Agenda and Minutes of last year's meeting can be found here. Please contact the General Secretary or a member of the Council for a link to the meeting.
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This is an annual event that returns this year after a few year's enforced break. QLL have booked the Counting House in the City of London on Sunday 18 June and have now formally opened registration.
Doors will open at 11.30, and the latest time to start the rally quiz will be 1 pm. This event also stages a knockout tournament for the Don Bissett Trophy, of which MQL are the current holders.
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